I saperi del Mediterraneo per il futuro dell’Europa


Innovation starts from the “Mediterranean Knowledgeâ€, and develops until it becomes common practice. These new ideas (products, services, and models) make it then possible to meet social needs (more effectively than their alternatives) and at the same time create new social relationships or new collaborations. Moreover, they enable to lay the foundations for the construction of a real and different European identity. The knowledge and cultural values of the Mediterranean “must†provide the driving force to overcome the impasse impeding the whole of Europe. They can become the fruitful stimulus for reviewing European policies (in particular integration ones) and provide a solid foundation for the protection and promotion of effective cultural heritage an knowledge matching up with our time, able to bring out a new future by the legacy of the different cultures. 

Author Biography

Emiliana Mangone, University of Salerno
Dipartimento di Sicenze Umane, Filosofiche e della FOrmazione (DISUFF)


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