Historiographical Exclusions: Female Spanish Writers in Exile within the Literary Mexican Field

  • Iliana Olmedo
Keywords: Spanish Writers, Spanish Exile, History of Literature, Mercedes Pinto


In its construction, the history of Mexican literature has excluded the authors who were marginal,such as     exiled writers of 1939, but mainly women authors who were considered even more peripherical. When these two categories are conjugated, suppression is greater. This text analyzes the mechanisms of exclusion that are used by historiography in order to make women invisible, we unveiled this by using the studies of configuration of taste and interaction in the fields of cultural production by Pierre Bourdieu, Harold Bloom’s canon proposal and Feminist Theory by Lillian Robinson, Susan Gubar and Toril Moi. With these tools, this paper seeks to answer the following questions: Who draws up the canon and bywhat means? What are the criteria that the critic and the literature scholar use to select authors? Who determines the authority and who legitimizes this authority in Mexico? Is literary quality a historiographic criterion, how and by whom is it established? What interests does it respond to? Furthermore, I will present and briefly analyze the literary creation of Mercedes Pinto, who at their time were influential in the Mexican cultural field and whose works havebeen unknown and ignored for many years.


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