Introduction. Political exile in the 20th and 21st centuries

  • Valentina Ripa
  • Sandra Lorenzano
Keywords: exile, mediterranean


An introduction to the current issue of the Journal of Mediterranean Knowledgein which the guest editors highlight their vision of the concept of exile and, at the same time, focus on exile for political reasons and with a temporal delimitation centred on contemporary times (20th-21st centuries) that they have wanted to give to this volume; an approach also adopted by the authors of the nine articles and the review presented.


Abellán, J. L. (2001). El exilio como constante y como categoría, Madrid: Biblioteca Nueva.

Calamai, E. (2003). Niente asilo politico. Diario di un console italiano nell’Argentina dei desaparecidos. Roma: Editori Riuniti.

Cintora, L. (2021). Un viaje hacia nosotros [video documentary]

Moretti, N. (2018). Santiago, Italia [video documentary]

Said, E. (2012). Reflections on exile and other literary and cultural essays. London: Granta.

Tizón, H. (2004). El cantar del profeta y el bandido, Madrid: Alfaguara.
