Establishment and new accessions
Establishment of the International Centre for Studies and Reaserch “Mediterranean Knowledge” – Centro di Studi e Ricerche “Saperi del Mediterraneo”with Rectoral Decree of the Rector of the University of Salerno, prof. Aurelio Tommasetti, no. 2236 of 26 May 2015, prot n. 34230. At the moment of the establishment, the research units were: University of Salerno (Italy), University of Palermo (Italy), University of Huelva (Spain), University of Seville (Spain), University of Porto (Portugal), Istitut Catholique de Toulouse-ICT (France), Centre de Recherche en Economie Appliquée pour le Développement-CREAD (Algeria) e Academy of Fine Arts of Naples (Italy).
With Rectoral Decree of the Rector of the University of Salerno, prof. Aurelio Tommasetti, no. 735 of 16 February 2016, prot. n. 9683, accession of Istituto Superiore Industrie Artistiche-ISIA of Rome (Italy), LUMSA of Rome (Itally) and Università per Stranieri “Dante Alighieri”-UNISTRADA of Reggio Calabria (Italy).
With Rectoral Decree of the Rector of the University of Salerno, prof. Aurelio Tommasetti, no. 1459 of 31 March 2016, prot. n. 18537, accession of University of Algarve/CIEO (Portugal), University of Malta-Mediterranean Institute (Malta) and University of Molise (Italy).
Conferences and Seminars
1stAnnual International Conference, Border/s, held at the University of Salerno from 26 to 28 October.
Conference Migranti tra allarmismo e risorsa sociale, held at the University of Salerno from 23 to 24 November.
International Conference Gender, Sexsuality, Migration, held at the University of Salerno from15 to 16 November. The papers have been published in the book Mangone, E., Masullo, G. & Gallego, M. (eds) (2018). Gender and Sexuality in the Migration Trajectories. Studies between the Northern and Southern Mediterranean Shores.Charlotte, N.C. USA: Information Age Publishing Inc. (ISBN: 9781641131285 – ISBN: 9781641131292 – ISBNe: 9781641131308).
XV Permanent Seminary of Migration studies, titled Presentación del International Centre for Studies and Research Mediterranena Knoweldge, held by prof. Emiliana Mangone at the University of Huelva on 2 June.
2ndAnnual International Conference of the ICSR Mediterranean Knowledge Mediterranean Cultures and Societies. Knowledge, Health and Tourismheld at the Universidade do Algarve in Faro (Portugal) on 4 and 5 May.
3rdAnnual International Conferenceo of the ICSR Mediterranean Knowledge/ 8thInternational Conference MedWorldsCultures, Hopes and Conflicts. The Mediterranean between Land and Seaheld at the University of Salerno from 26 to 28 September.
Conference “Sfatare i miti: le migrazioni come opportunità”, held at Università per Stranieri “Dante Alighieri”, Reggio Calabria, 17 October (organized by the Research Unit UNISTRADA).
Seminar Immigration: le renard sociologique sur les peuples en mouvement dans le monde contemporain, Università di Salerno, 19 October, within the project “Unissons nos coers sans frontières” (programme Erasmus plus) promoted by Istituto di Istruzione Superiore “S. Caterina da Siena-Amendola” with the aim to provide an advanced training for the teachers of the partner countries. Participant schools: France (Draveil), Lycée Des Métiers Nadar; Germany (Schwaebisch Gmuend), Lycee des Schiller-Realschule Rektor-Klaus; Italy (Salerno), Istituto Scolastico di Stato “Santa Caterina Da Siena-Amendola”; Poland (Chojnow), Powiatowy Zespol Szkol; Portugal (Faro), Agrupamento de Escolas de Montenegro; Romania (Craiova), Liceul Charles Laugier; United Kingdom (Wallasey), Mosslands School.
External Observer of the project “Bodies in Transit: Genders, Mobilities, and Interdependencies” directed by Pilar Cuder-Domínguez of the University of Huelva (Spagna), presented to the Spanish ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness.
4th Annual Conference / 17th International Conference INTI International Network of Territorial Intelligence, Collective Intelligence and Innovative Territories. Transitions, Cultural Changes and Inequalities 23-24 October, University of Salerno.
See the list of publications
International Mobility
Agreement Erasmus+ International mobility for Internship with the Bilkent University (Turkey) to host the student Zeynep Olgun for a period of two months (01/06/2016-01/08/2016).
Agreement Erasmus+ Programme with the Bilkent University (Turchia) for the period 2016-2020.
Agreement Erasmus+ Programme with the University of Malta (Malta) for the period 2016-2020.
Agreement Erasmus+ Programme with Universidade do Algarve (Portugal) for the period 2016-2020.
Visiting Professor of Emiliana Mangone at the University of Huelva for the period 02/05-06/06/2016 for a research programme titled“Le politiche di inclusione scolastica e culturale nella regione dell’Andalusia”.
Visiting PhD Student of Assia Guedjali of the Doctorat en sociologie d’organisation et travailof the Université d’Alger II (Algeria) within the research project “Les trajectoires professionnelles des femmes cadres au regard des rapports sociaux de sexe”in the period 05/11/2016-21/11/2016.
Visiting PhD Student Nahla Naga of the Doctorat en sociologie d’organisation et travailof the Université d’Alger II (Algeria) within the research project “Les attitudes des salaries è l’égard de la remuneration des compétences”in the period 05/11/2016-03/12/2016.
Visiting Professor of Mar Gallego, Director of the Centro de Investigación en Migraciones(CIM) -University of Huelva (Spagna), for the period 12-18/11/2016 for didactical activites on the topic“Gender Studies/Migration Studies”.
Agreement Erasmus+ International mobility for Internship with the Bilkent University (Turkey) to host the student Mohammad Asad Rafi for a period of two months (15/06/2017-15/08/2017).
Visiting PhD Student of Assia Guedjali of the “Doctorat en sociologie d’organisation et travail”of the Université d’Alger II (Algeria) within the research project “Les trajectoires professionnelles des femmes cadres au regard des rapports sociaux de sexe”in the period 02/10/2017-12/10/2017.
Visiting Professor of Giuseppe D’Angelo at the Universidad Católica de Colombia in the period 25 July-30 August. Cooperation with the research group “Aldo Moro” of the Colombian university for research activities on the historical-political roots of the present transformation of democracy in Europe and Latin America.
Mission of Giuseppe D’Angelo at the Universidade do Porto (Portugal) in the period 22-26 May, in order to organize the V International Conference of the ICSR, expected in Porto in September 2020.
Visiting Professor of Giuseppe D’Angelo at the Universidad Católica de Colombia in the period 1-30 August. Cooperation with the research group “Aldo Moro” of the Colombian university for research activities on the historical-political roots of the present transformation of democracy in Europe and Latin America.
Cooperation with schools and local entities
During these six years some agreement of partnership with schools have been signed, in order to carry out some activities included among the aims of the Centre. More specifically:
In 2015 the Centre is partner of the proposal“Io per l’altro – Osservatorio permanente di cittadinanza attiva” presented by Liceo Classico “Virgilio” of Rome 2015;
In 2017 the Centre is partner of the Direzione Didattica “V Circolo” of Avellino
In 2017 the Centre is partner of the IIS IPSEOA “Piranesi” of Capaccio-Paestum (Salerno)
Supported Activities
The Charm of Products.Photographic exhibition organized by the writer and graphic Michele Citro and by the still-life photographer Mattia Valerio at the Culture & Art Gallery La Cachette(10, Rue Mandar – Parigi) from 19 to 29 June.
La nostra arte. La parola all’anima. Round table held in Mercato San Severino (Italy), moderated by Michele Citro e Lucia Celenta, with the participation of artists and local autorithies: Antonio Pesce, Giuseppe Rescigno, Luigi Manzo, Pasquale Di Dato e Sergio Vecchio, held at Palazzo Vanvitelli on 17 October.
Mediterranean Friezes Expositive project ideated by Michele Citro, in order to honour the Magna Graecia with12 metopes (45×30 cm) in ceramic of Vietri realized by the artist Luigi Manzo at the Drogueria (68, Rue Quicampoix – Parigi) on 8 May.